Sunday, June 22, 2008

Latinos Changing the Face of Durham
Story geared toward 6th graders (through adult) addressing the Population and Economic Impact of the exponential growth of Latino population in Durham, NC; including discussion on culture and community, community outreach and service, and the future. Full references for access to materials, unit lesson plans, assessment considerations and extension activities offered.

For use by schools, community agencies
and other interested community members.
based on Southern Oral History Project (SOHP)
at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
their DocSouth Classroom stories and Listening for a Change

forewarning: it's case sensitive!!!
(make sure to capitalize the L and the D)

also NOTE:
On page 5 there is a link to other Working Films video clips that may be difficult to access due to website migration issues. Today, typing in the following URL with different final # brings up the actual clip. You can find the id# by mousing over the link on the video_clips page. Example...Many Faces of Latinos video clip that is still connecting with Firefox and Explorer.

To see the summaries of the other videos available, their links, and to find out the id #s of each go to

Also NOTE: A resource mentioned for multi-lingual information and communication
Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens’ media project founded at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, a research think-tank focused on the Internet’s impact on society.

Also NOTE: Another resource to connect with another classroom anywhere in the world.

Scroll down to middle of homepage and search using various dropdowns.
Also check their other features down further on the page,
including mentor, epals, and many other possible classroom connections

Parent U on Breeze Instr Design Project EDUC 652

Leaving room for introduction to Instructional Design Project
Basically, concept of Parent University used in New England for PTA trainings.
For most chance of success for students with ADHD ADD
Originally geared toward parents, but obviously also useful for teachers.
Adjusted from 40 minute version with voiced content
to a 5 minute quick version to read on one's own.

Go to Short version first, it links to the Read Aloud version

Directly to Long version (Read Aloud)
