Sunday, June 22, 2008

Latinos Changing the Face of Durham
Story geared toward 6th graders (through adult) addressing the Population and Economic Impact of the exponential growth of Latino population in Durham, NC; including discussion on culture and community, community outreach and service, and the future. Full references for access to materials, unit lesson plans, assessment considerations and extension activities offered.

For use by schools, community agencies
and other interested community members.
based on Southern Oral History Project (SOHP)
at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
their DocSouth Classroom stories and Listening for a Change

forewarning: it's case sensitive!!!
(make sure to capitalize the L and the D)

also NOTE:
On page 5 there is a link to other Working Films video clips that may be difficult to access due to website migration issues. Today, typing in the following URL with different final # brings up the actual clip. You can find the id# by mousing over the link on the video_clips page. Example...Many Faces of Latinos video clip that is still connecting with Firefox and Explorer.

To see the summaries of the other videos available, their links, and to find out the id #s of each go to

Also NOTE: A resource mentioned for multi-lingual information and communication
Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens’ media project founded at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, a research think-tank focused on the Internet’s impact on society.

Also NOTE: Another resource to connect with another classroom anywhere in the world.

Scroll down to middle of homepage and search using various dropdowns.
Also check their other features down further on the page,
including mentor, epals, and many other possible classroom connections

Parent U on Breeze Instr Design Project EDUC 652

Leaving room for introduction to Instructional Design Project
Basically, concept of Parent University used in New England for PTA trainings.
For most chance of success for students with ADHD ADD
Originally geared toward parents, but obviously also useful for teachers.
Adjusted from 40 minute version with voiced content
to a 5 minute quick version to read on one's own.

Go to Short version first, it links to the Read Aloud version

Directly to Long version (Read Aloud)


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Differentiation Project placeholder

Sequence and Description
Materials: Large paper, easel, colored markers, index cards, masking tape, pens, pencils, clock & timer, print resources. Snack items: hand soap, plastic sandwich bags, twist ties, paper plates, spoons, cups, napkins, pitcher of water
Lesson 1 Unit Introduction (10 mins)
This Unit is called Eat Well, Keep Active.
Everyone can explore bookmarked games and have some fun with food and action during the next 9 weeks!
SHOW GAMES FOLDER opening 1 or 2 links,_keep_active
Over the next 9 weeks, I hope everyone learns more about their own food choices and their physical activity. Everyone will also have a chance to make something new, like a new game, a movie, a poster, a song, or a booklet, to help other students learn more about food and physical activity!
(15 mins) KWL
We’ll list some things you already KNOW about food and physical activity (5 mins). Give details
Examples: anyone know food categories? a really strange food? "empty foods"? types of physical activity?
What do you think you WANT to learn about food and physical activity(5 mins).
For example: How to make healthful snacks for your friends. track your food intake. be more active every day
Then by end of unit we’ll see how much you do LEARN about food and physical activity !!
(15 minutes): TIERED ACTIVITIES (by identified reading levels):
Basic: SORT food groups of physical set or picture examples brought in by teacher. (aide if needed)
If easily done: List ideas to use the above foods for a snack. (or tape if struggling writers)
Middle: preview Games on ikeepbookmarks
Upper: Use resource table or library to list some of the strangest fruits and vegetables you can find!
Lesson 2 Pre-Assess (15 mins)
Hand out Pre-Assessment Printout of How To Learn
Raise hand for Aide or teacher re: language/meaning. (Comprehension adjustments by teacher/aide)
As students finish they go to computer GAMES FOLDER (expect highest reading level students only)
Teacher notes: Some will be able to complete independently. Those needing read-aloud have it on tape. Bilingual volunteers, translations in print, taped response, typed response, scribe as needed.
KEEP LIST OF NEW VOCAB from KWL Discussion posted in classroom and
ADD any other vocabulary: health, snacks, meals, favorites, nutrition, exercise, workout, sports)
(15 mins) Hands-on exploratory activities various set up at 3 different areas (students can go to the one they want to first, and then try the others if time allows. Teacher brings in some new foods found in lesson 1)
Touch and Name Game (put on blindfold. open box.1 item.)
Smell and Tell Game (close eyes. Open paper bag.1 item)
See and Sort Game (9 items, 3 holes: F&V, Calc, Grain)
ADV: develop Green Machine Mash or another Food Color Mash Machine!
Teacher notes: Time to observe, informally assess styles, social interaction, friends, likes, comfort & frustration levels, ease of making decisions, etc. Teacher brings in well known and lesser known foods for this).
Simple snack: Celery and carrot sticks
Lesson 3: Explore Foods
Warm up Why do we eat?
Guiding ideas: To help our bodies grow. To get nutrients our bodies need to be healthy. To satisfy hunger.
To stay alive. To enjoy the taste of food. To have fun, be social.
"Nutrition is pretty complicated…and we don’t have time to cover all the details, so we’re going to focus on a few types of foods that experts agree are really important for youth:
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Calcium containing foods
Kinesthetic: Activity on grains (MIX IT UP SNACK)
Auditory: Activity calcium(3-a-day of Dairy super mom)
Visual: Color Activity on fruits and vegetables (5 a day THE COLOR WAY FOR KIDS)
Discuss smooth "as-called-upon" transitions to
Individual Teacher conferences for Individual Project talks.
Contract available, but not filled out today. Time to think!
In-class project for a student who is your age or younger:
Collage on food or physical activity, Poster, Coloring book, Story book, Song Lyrics, Skit, Poem, Diorama Clay model, Restaurant Menu, Plan a Party, Solve a specific problem, Make a Movie, Record a Song,Other.
Teacher's note: Remember: Individual Conferences are times for teacher to evaluate understanding,concerns, topics of interest to individual students, analyze and evaluate who can use info to think critically.
Snack: Granola. will take preparation time in class. Make sure all WASH hands with aide and work near sink: Mix whole grain cereal; low fat granola; toasted rolled oats; sunflower or pumpkin seeds, raisins, other dried fruits if avail. Spoon some of each into indiv bags for others
Lesson 4: HOW WE LEARN (40 mins) Hand out printed inventory from for Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic Inventory
Students take turns reading questions, then answer each silently on their own.
If clarification needed: raise hand. (AIDE assists)
Assistance: including paraphrasing and translation as needed.
Actual online calculations done by teacher after class and results handed out to students during next session.
ADV: the few advanced readers do inventory directly online.
Teacher Note: If done early use ikeepbookmarks GAMES folder (expect low readers will)
Lesson 5: Food Groups Fruits and Vegetables
Intro new pyramid (as some may not have heard of it):
Group viewing of MyPyramid Animation
Introduce MyPyramid Blast Off in Game folder (elementary)
Post big colored My Pyramind chart
Demonstrate using (nutrient and physical activity tracker) and NUTRITION TRACKER game with Hand out:
Introduce "Goodness Grows in Living Color" Families.pdf
Introduce: 5 A Day The Color Way and the NEW national "Fruits and Veggies – More Matters" logo and message to be in place by January 2009.
Whole group overview of colors using "Goodness Grows in Living Color": Families.pdf
Basic: Begin making chart of 3-5 days food intake with aide
Mid: Begin food chartinv evaluation (with PyramidTracker/Menu Planner or Shaq’s Food Log)
Advanced: Try Interactive charts on phytochemicals at or other bkmrk .
Visual: list, chart or spreadsheet of yesterday’s food
Auditory: Listen to tape about what a 13 year old ate; tape how food choices fit in food pyramid.
Kinesthetic: basketball type activity tossing labeled foam balls into wire baskets (adj for ability).
Whole group: MAKE Venn diagrams to help identify foods made up of more than one group;
Show COMBO KITCHEN and FOOD FORCE bookmarks (could be somewhat difficult)
Nutrition Label info details to identify GRAINS (Use CDC handout on Nutrition Labels)
See Interactive called "What’s a Food Label?" at
CALCIUM RICH foods from 3 a day)
3-a-day tracker, snackulator, 33 snack ideas, 3-a-day recipe wizard & Scholastic mini-books
Demonstrate MAKE A SHAKE game
Why Calcium?
Middle group: Use online tools of choice from to explore,vperfect identification.
Basic: List as many items that are CALCIUM filled and could fit into a picnic basket for your friends.
Upper: You are judging the most CALCIUM filled Family Picnic. Explain your criteria.
Additional expansion possibilities: JIGSAW with Discussion on each activity at next session.
Basic: BREAKFAST DETECTIVE in group with Aide
Middle: Arianna & Marcus GAMES, or BREAKFAST
ALL: for food photos
ADV: use flickr geography tool to find food photos
Download their Serving Size Card. Do PORTION DISTORTION I and II together
Group 1: Make the PORTION SIZE GUIDELINES Handout more kid-friendly! Discuss with partner then share with group for discussion and suggestions
Group 2: Use the SERVING SIZE SURPRISE Interactive Tool from to click on any item in pyramid and choose correct serving size. Discuss with partner & share in group disc.
Group 3: Check NUTRITION MIXER and RATE YOUR PLATE to analyze food intake and portion sizes, discuss with partner, then share and about portions, includes message on candy!
Additional expansion if needed: Many games
Lesson 7: "Empty Foods and Drinks and More Thoughts on Food
Taped message on how empty calories impact your health and well-being.
With peer partner interested in same activity:
Visual: Make a poster that shows "empty" foods to 8 yo
Auditory: Tape a commercial that tells about "empty" foods
Kinesthetic: perform skit about these "empties" for teens
Use Discretionary Calories on about portions, includes message on candy!
Lesson 8: Food Choices Continue MORE ON GRAINS
KWL revisited.
Congratulate each student for their hard work.
Review KWL chart for gaps. (Suspect more work on grains) What can you tell me about grains? What they are? Where they grow? How they are used? Some tasty treats?
Foods Think Tac Toe (based on Learning Style as determined by howtolearn)
1)Draw 3 grains from plant to table
2)Write where 3 different grains grow & how they’re used
3)Make a menu using 12 grain items
1)Write a thank you note to a grain
2)Research & decide which grain is eaten the most in the US
3)Interview a grain on your TV "talk" show
1)Draw a specific grain and label its parts
2)Which grain do U think is most needed by Americans.Why
3)Make a collage of 12 foods that have grains in them
Ideas For expansion if needed:
Set up info gathering at or
Or A blog to discuss at
Exit card: Name 3 things you’ve learned or gave ideas to improve how you’ll eat in the future.
Name 2 things that you learned about the color of foods
Name 1 thing that you’d like to explore more about food.
Group: Make list: how different students get physical daily
Discuss: How much time do you think young people spend with media at home in one day? Mark
Data: Young people ages 11 to 14 spend an average of 6 hours and 45 minutes a day using media. This is more time than they spend doing anything else except sleeping"
(MediaSmartYouth Lesson 2 Activity B)
How does that compare with what you thought?
Instead of being in front of computer or TV,
What else could young people do? BRAINSTORM
Examples: Walk with friends. Play sports or games with friends or family. Go roller-skating, bowling. Do household chores. Go on errands with a parent. Go to sportsplex. Swim at community cent
Include Pulse Game. On pg 25 at end of DISCUSSION
Group Discussion:
What does the term physical activity mean?
Discuss physical activity vs. exercise. Opinions/comments
SHAQ’S BIG CHALLENGE WORKOUT LOG with Food and workout logs at
Chart personal fitness goals
(at Personal Fitness Planner especially for adolescents to determine physical activity levels)
Get Moving Calculator
Expansion if needed:
Advanced: Brainstorm physical activity for a person who is blind; or has difficulty breathing
Develop goals for person in your community/family.
EXIT Cards:
What physical activities mentioned interested you most?
Do you have any new ideas about your physical activities?
List one idea that might help someone you know get more physical activity?
This whole Health and Well-being thing/ Opinions
KWL revisited again!
Anything we still haven’t covered that you’d like to know more about?
Group discussion on CHOICE changes during this UNIT
Thoughts on ways to improve yourself in relation to unit
How to help others improve how they eat and get physical? (especially if there is a health related issue in family or something that you can do in your community)
Complex Instruction Task Cards (assign Primary person and review tasks before product begun.
Lesson 12: New Food And Fitness Choices
Share the Complex Instruction Tasks and Summaries of Each Student’s Project
YOUR individual new choices for food and fitness!